
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Reason Why Israel Won't Inform U.S.

A few minutes ago in my previous post I reported that Israel won't inform U.S. of it's attack plans on Iran.  We wondered why it went from 12 hours notice to "we won't tell you anything".

I just turned on my email and received one from a Rabbi in Jerusalem that may answer our below is most of what he said.  Maybe the spirit of Amalek has overtaken our White House?

Moshe Kempinski

Senator John McCain told CNN’s “State of the Union” that the administration intentionally leaked to the media the reason for the US national security adviser’s trip to Israel – to try to persuade the country not to attack Iran. This leak according to McCain weakened Israel’s standing in its faceoff with Iran and he declared that “The prime minister has every reason to be upset ,I can understand why relations are in very bad shape right now.”

What is behind this rift?

An oft repeated and common phrase in the world is that "the clothes make the man”. The headlines in the world poured out rivers of words describing the clothing of the rich and famous at international events. People are judged by the fit of the suit and the cut of shirt.
Yet the word for clothing in Hebrew is "Beged" and its root is connected to the Hebrew word for betrayal and deception, Bagad. After everything is said and done the role of clothing is to hide and conceal. We are living in a time and in a world where falsehood and evil is dressed up in pretty clothing and flourishes unchallenged.

The enemies of Israel can in fact adopt the approach of the descendants of Esav called Amalek. That has been the experience of history including Haman the descendant of Amalek . Yet the descendants of Jacob have been threatened throughout the generations by the other type of Esav, clothed in the garments of a friend and sometimes even as an ally. More importantly the “spirit” of Amalek can confuse and misguide even well intentioned people.

One then begins to wonder about members of the current American administration. While it is true that the American people stand firmly behind Israel and its struggle for survival in a sea of hatred, that has not always been the case with past American administrations Recently several spokespeople of the present Obama administration have been making it very clear that this administration see Israel as a pesky bothersome little child and do not want the Israelis to be rocking the boat of the world’s seemingly stable existence.

.“I don’t think a wise thing at this moment is for Israel to launch a military attack on Iran,” Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey told CNN, and explained that such a strike “would be destabilizing” and “not prudent.” U.S. National Security Adviser Thomas Donilon was in the region to express the concern that Israel may be acting "prematurely".

One wonders what "prematurely" might mean. It is clear to any student of Iranian intentions and of Shiite "end time" thinking ,that Iran will attempt to use the nuclear capability as soon as it can despite the fears of retribution or the collateral damage to all the Muslims in the area. This is so since this apocalyptic scenario fits directly with the Shiite understanding that the "Hidden Imam" can only reappear after such a ”conflagration" erupts in the land of Israel.

Perhaps the term " prematurely” actually refers to the concern that an Israeli pre-emptive strike might harm this administration’s chances in the upcoming elections. Perhaps it is a concern for the price of automobile gas. It may even be based on a simple calculation of six million Jews in Israel as against billions of Muslims in the world. The spirit of Amalek thinking is seductive and can infect and affect even well meaning people.

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