
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Santorum and Satan

I was watching Good Morning America this morning and one of the top headline stories that they had was about Rick Santorum talking about Satan.

Back in 2008, Santorum was giving a speech to a religious group and he said something like this, "I believe that America us under attack from Satan.  As you look around the world at other nations, what other country is there for him to set his sights on?"

You and I know EXACTLY what Santorum meant.  To which I would have stood up and said, "AMEN!" 

Satan IS focused on America for two reasons.  One because we have a whole bunch of followers of Jesus Christ who are shining their light into the darkness and Satan wants to extinguish those lights.  And number two he wants the USA gone because he knows that our military has been used to God to incubate and protect Israel...and Satan would love to see that "special relationship" come to an end.

And because Santorum told the TRUTH about Satan....he is going to be brutally attacked by the media and even those within his own party.

Friends, if we have now arrived at the day when a Presidential candidate can't say the word "Satan" without the media abusing his words to make it sound like he believes in the tooth fairy or Santa Claus....this nation is in deep and serious trouble.

Persecution is coming hard for this country...and if the Lord tarries even a few more years, I believe you will soon be seeing pressure put on churches who dare to preach about Satan and sin.  The pressure will come when the government tells them that they will lose their charitable tax exemption...unless they conform to hate speech laws.

Friends, please pray for Rick Santorum.  I don't know if he is the man that the Lord wants as President....but it is pretty clear that he is a brother in Christ and it is pretty clear that Satan has leveled his sights on he needs to be bathed in prayer.

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