
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

U.S. Global Supremacy is OVER

Back when the Romans ruled the world...if a group of folks got out of  line, the Roman army was sent in they destroyed the place and killed everyone involved in the rebellion.  The same thing when the Greeks, or English ruled.

But America is different.  We have never set out to rule the world, but our power has been used to keep the peace.

It appears those days are over...because the world is coming apart in many places and we seem powerless to keep the peace anymore.  And our enemies are aware that our power is declining.

The United States can no longer reign supreme as the world’s sole superpower, says Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s National Security adviser and a prolific foreign affairs scholar.

“The era of global supremacy by a major power . . . is over,” he tells Yahoo.

“The world is now much more diversified. There is now the new East in Asia. There is now a globally, politically awakened population.”

But that doesn’t mean the demise of the United States, as long as we’re willing to make some changes, Brzezinski, says.

Read more: Former Carter Adviser Brzezinski: US Global Supremacy ‘Is Over’

The article then speaks of China and asks the million dollar question that we have been asking for some time;  How do we pressure China to adopt fair trade practices and let the yuan appreciate when we are dependent on the nation to finance our debt and provide low-cost goods?
Good question.  How do we keep China from invading Taiwan when we are reliant on them to give us money to keep our military afloat?

Remember friends...the USA is no where to be found in Last Days prophecy.  So ask yourselves...where did we go?


  1. Could possably the USA be the "two wings of a great eagle" in Rev 12:14??

    "The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach."

    prob. not but I have been meditating on that for the last few days.

  2. Hi Emma,
    the passage which you refer is talking about the remnant of Jews who will be protected during the Tribulation. Most prophecy watchers believe the place they will be taken will be in Petra, Jordan, in the mountains of Bozrah. They will be protected there for 3 1/2 years (time, times and half time)from the Antichrist's (serpent) reach. Most believe that when the rapture of the church happens that the loss of millions of our brightest and best and the devastating affect that will have on our military, will take the USA down once and for all. And without the USA around to back up and defend Israel this will further embolden the enemies of Israel to plan the attack mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39. Also remember that most prophecy people believe the church is gone at the beginning of Rev 4, and nothing good happens on earth until Christ returns in Rev. 19. The moral and military decline we are witnessing in America, I believe, is just further foreshadowing of our ultimate decline and disappearance.
