
Sunday, March 4, 2012

China Continues to Rise

Revelation tells us that the Kings of the East will one day march across the dried up Euphrates river with a 200,000,000 man army marching to Israel.

So we continue to watch China grow economically...which will allow it to grow militarily.

China plans to increase defense spending 11.2 percent this year as the country’s expanding global commitments and lingering territorial disputes drive demand for more warships, missiles and fighter planes.

Military spending is set to rise this year to about 670 billion yuan ($106.4 billion), Li Zhaoxing, spokesman for China’s National People’s Congress, said yesterday ahead of a speech today by Premier Wen Jiabao to open the annual 10-day session of the country’s legislature.

China’s defense spending, the second highest in the world after the U.S., has risen in tandem with the expansion of its economy and a new focus by the Obama administration on the Asia- Pacific region. China is also involved in spats with Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan over control of oil- and gas-rich waters and has a lingering territorial dispute with India that erupted into a war in 1962.

Defense spending has more than doubled since 2006, tracking a rise in nominal gross domestic product from 20.9 trillion yuan to 47.2 trillion yuan in that time. The growing defense budget has stoked concerns among China’s neighbors and the U.S., which announced last year a strategic shift toward Asia including deploying forces to a base in Australia. Chinese defense spending as a percentage of GDP was about 1.3 percent in 2011, falling from about 1.4 percent in 2006.


So that's pretty interesting.  Also remember a post we did last month that one prophecy guy predicted that China will make an attack on India sometime in 2012....just to keep India on it's toes...and we see this article also referenced a "territorial dispute" that still lingers.

We will need to keep watch on the Euphrates to see if it starts going dry. 

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