
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Entire Mosques Coming to Christ

If this is true it is incredibly good news...for the world and even more so for the Kingdom.

The idea of more than 200,000 former Muslims coming to faith in Sub-Saharan Africa within a few short years is mind-boggling. But entire mosques in Sub-Saharan Africa coming to faith? That news is even harder to wrap one's mind around, but it is in fact what is happening according to reports from a former church planter among Muslims in West Africa.

In the new book Miraculous Movements, Jerry Trousdale, now director of International Ministries for CityTeam International, records amazing and inspiring stories of faith among Muslim communities in Africa. The author opens up a new world to Western readers, taking them into the heart of the "miraculous movement" of God in Africa that is transforming the hearts of Muslims.

Trousdale writes that "unprecedented" events are happening among the Muslim populations that his ministry and its affiliates are working among, including:
• Multiple cases of entire mosques coming to faith
• Thousands of ordinary men and women being used by God to achieve seemingly impossible outcomes
• Tens of thousands of Muslim background Christians becoming dedicated intercessors who fast and pray for the gospel to penetrate the next community
• Muslim people groups that never had even one church among them now have more than fifty church planted, and in some cases more than one hundred churches – within two years of engagement
• Former sheikhs, imams and militant Islamists making up 20 percent or more of the new Christian leaders in Muslim regions


Praise the Lord!  Can you imagine how this world would change if millions of Muslims laid aside the lies of Islam and started spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

If you go to the article you can also read about a man who came to Christ by a dream.  This is happening to thousands upon thousands of Muslims.

"In the last days your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions." says the prophet Joel and repeated by Peter.  That certainly seems to be the case.  The Harvest is at hand!

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