
Friday, March 2, 2012

Losing Ground...Small Pieces at a Time

A few years ago this news would have qualified for "News of the absurd".  But in today's world where right is wrong and wrong is 's simply another headline that illustrates how Christianity and the biblical world view, will be stifled....and a front line battleground is our college campuses.

The University of North Carolina-Greensboro has ordered a Christian club to allow non-Christians as leaders and members, according to a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday.

“The university has given itself the authority to determine whether a group is religious or not,” said Jeremy Tedesco, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund.

Tedesco filed suit on behalf of “Make Up Your Own Mind,” a Christian club that was denied an exemption from the university’s nondiscrimination policy.

UNC-Greensboro’s nondiscrimination policy includes an exemption for student organizations that select their members based on a shared set of beliefs.

However, the university contends that the club is not affiliated with a church – and therefore doesn’t meet their criteria for exemption.

“We should get very nervous when the government decides it has the authority to determine what is and what isn’t religious,” he said. “That’s a dangerous concept.


Ohhh!!  It's not affiliated with a church so it was denied exemption....but I'm guessing that if a heterosexual wanted to lead the gay club on campus...the university would jump right in and say, "foul!"

I'm guessing this had something to do with the fact that the group was anti abortion and probably had pictures and videos of tiny little babies being butchered....and it made the pro choice campus VERY uncomfortable. 

Hat tip to Tom F.

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