
Friday, March 23, 2012

North Korea May Get "Strong Response"

You may remember that a few weeks ago the USA bribed North Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions.  We sent them some thousands of tons of food and probably some bags of cash in exchange for them playing nice.

Today we find out that they are planning to launch a rocket.  If they do it would violate the UN Anti Ballistic Missile Test Ban that North Korea is held to.

Of course North Korea says the rocket is simply to put a satellite into space for science.  That's REALLY funny since 99% of the country doesn't even have electricity!!

For his part, Obama has promised there will be a strong response if they do launch it.  I wonder what the means?...maybe he is going to strongly respond by giving them more bags of cash if they promise to not do it again?

SEOUL: North Korea will face a "strong response" if it launches a long-range rocket next month despite international calls to desist, a special adviser to US President Barack Obama said on Friday.

"If they go ahead anyway, we will want to work with our allies and partners for a strong response," Gary Samore, arms control coordinator at
the National Security Council, told South Korea's Yonhap news agency in an interview.

The North says it aims only to put a satellite into orbit for peaceful space research. The United States and its allies see the plan as a pretext for a long-range missile test, banned under UN Security Council resolutions.

The North's announcement of the launch came only weeks after it reached a deal with the United States, suspending uranium enrichment and nuclear and missile tests in return for 240,000 tonnes of US food aid.

Washington says any rocket launch is likely to jeopardise that deal.

"I really can't speculate on why they are doing it, but we think it is a big mistake and we are trying to persuade them" not to proceed, Samore said.


The problem with paying countries who blackmail or extort is that it encourages them to blackmail and extort.  I wonder if America will learn that lesson any time soon?

A more likely solution would be to tell young Kim Jong that if he launches the rocket he can expect that a U.S. drone will be hunting him down with a stinger missile the very next day...and that he should prepare to meet his dead father some time real soon.  That may get his attention....and probably get him to stop the launch.

North Korea is a miserable Satanic stronghold.  It is a dark country in more ways than one.  Our heart should break for the millions of folks there living in misery and starvation.  Thousands have been put in jail for not crying loud enough at Kim Jong Il's funeral.  Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will rise up workers within North Korea.

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