
Monday, March 5, 2012

A Year Without Electricity?

Last week, here in Minnesota, we had a wet, heavy snow that broke limbs off trees and snapped power lines so that my house was without electricity from 8 AM til about 5 PM. 

We live in the country so we have a well, but we were soon out of water because the well has an electric pump and electric pressure tank.  Also you notice how much you miss your computer to read the news or how much you miss the TV.  We wondered when would the ice in the fridge/freezer start to melt and drip all over the house.  We wondered how long our freezer would keep cold before the meat would start to thaw.  We wondered how we would get water to all the cows and horses...each of which drinks about 10 gallons per day. 

As the sun started going lower in the sky, I started to get a little concerned about just being in utter darkness ALL NIGHT LONG?  Thankfully for us, everything was back to normal before I had to find out what it would be like to go for a single day without electricity.

We have already posted on it in the past...but did you know that if we have a solar storm the same size as the one we ALREADY HAD in 1859...that we could have some cities be blacked out and without electricity for up to a year?

Can you spell the word A-N-A-R-C-H-Y?

There is a one in eight chance of a solar 'megastorm' before 2014, according to a Californian scientist - and other space weather experts agree that Earth is facing a burst of violent activity that will peak within two years.

It's unknown what effects this could have on our planet - but scientists have analysed the worst recorded solar event in history, 1859's Carrington Event, and worked out what effects a similar event would have now.

In our connected, satellite-reliant electronic age, the effects would be devastating, they say, as it would disrupt global communications and take out power sources, and could cause up to $2 trillion of damage.

They fear the sun could now be entering a two year 'hurricane season' of solar storms, and the star flared violently on Valentine's Day this year.

'We live in a cyber cocoon enveloping the Earth. Imagine what the consequences might be,' Daniel Baker, of the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics told National Geographic when asked about a potential 'megastorm'.
'Every time you purchase a gallon of gas with your credit card, that's a satellite transaction.
'Imagine large cities without power for a week, a month, or a year. The losses could be $1 to $2 trillion, and the effects could be felt for years.'

Read more:

I know the first thing I said when our lights came on, "Thank you Jesus!" 

During the Tribulation, when the lights do go out, the demons are unleashed, the love of most will grow cold, people will kill you for a can of beans, men will faint for fear on what they see coming, money becomes worthless, drought makes it impossible to grow food so people die from starvation, a meteor hits earth and makes drinking water bitter, the Antichrist and his followers are tracking down and murdering anyone who opposes them...and it becomes so bad that men crawl into caves and pray for the mountains to fall on them.

Have we made peace with God through Jesus Christ?  Have we tested ourselves lately to see if the Holy Spirit is in us?  Are we eager for Jesus to come for us and call us into the clouds?  Have we let go of all our earthly belongings or do we still have it all clenched in our tight fists...unwilling to give it up because its MINE!  Are we living pure a bride who awaits her groom should be?  Or do we find ourselves sucking up everything this world has to offer...because in our hearts we really don't believe that Jesus is coming?

I hope we don't have to endure crazy stuff before Jesus comes for us in the rapture....but do we have enough oil in our lamps if we do have to endure hard times?  Look at the folks in the Midwest and South....over 100 huge tornadoes simply destroyed their lives and possessions and then a freak snowstorm covered the tornado damage with inches of heavy, wet snow.  Who has ever heard of such a thing?

15 See, the LORD is coming with fire,
and his chariots are like a whirlwind;
he will bring down his anger with fury,
and his rebuke with flames of fire.
16 For with fire and with his sword
the LORD will execute judgment on all people,
and many will be those slain by the LORD.   Isaiah 66

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