
Monday, April 30, 2012

Bankrupt Helping the Bankrupt

We have been asking the question for some years can the International Monetary Fund(which makes no money itself) be collecting money from bankrupt countries to bail out other bankrupt countries in Europe?

Good question.  I guess they can just as long as no one asks how that works.

But now some people are asking how that can work.  Uh oh.

Egon von Greyerz, a partner at Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, recently noted how desperate efforts to sustain the current global financial system have become, “So they (the IMF) raised 400 billion from various nations, but where is the money coming from? The majority is coming from Europe and the EU. (They are) all bankrupt. They have no funds. They have to print money. Japan, which has the biggest debt to GDP ratio of most industrialized nations, they are a major contributor of about 60 billion. So it’s ridiculous. Here is the bankrupt helping the bankrupt."

Every time a major central bank like the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank gets together for a meeting, the financial press is always speculating about whether there is going to be more money printing. With Western governments running annual shortfalls of nearly $4 trillion, of course, there will be more printing of currency. It's the only way to maintain what has become history's greatest Ponzi scheme.


Friends, is it possible we are now days or months away from tumbling down this whole house of cards?  If we are...there are going to be a lot of unhappy stamp people will not be happy, Social Security people will not be happy, people with money in savings accounts will not be happy, people collecting pensions will not be happy, people with student loans will not be happy, people on Medicare will not be happy....I guess that includes just about everyone.

Next question.....what happens in countries where EVERYONE is unhappy?  What does history show us?

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