
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Christian Evangelicals Lumped with Extremists

There is an article on MSNBC today that is talking about groups of people that are anti-Islamic.  Now notice who the "Christian evangelicals" got lumped together with.

"They are neo-conservatives. They are Christian evangelicals. They are hardline racists. They are football hooligans. They are nationalists. They are populists. They are hardline Zionists. They are former leftists. The 'counter-jihad' movement comes in all shapes and sizes but they are united in a common loathing of Islam," according to the report, compiled by the London nonprofit Hope not Hate.

Generally, these groups maintain that there is an Islamic plot to take over the Western world, and that there is little difference between the hardline Islamists and the majority of Muslims, according to the report, "Counter-Jihad," published to coincide with the start of Breivik’s trial in Oslo.

"We mustn’t allow the extremists from the anti-jihad movement the opportunity to stage their own 9-11. If we lower our guard they will do."


So let me paraphrase what is subtly thrown together here.....Christian evangelicals are the SAME AS soccer hooligans and hard line racists.  Christian evangelicals must be watched closely or WE may stage our own 9-11 by blowing up a bunch of Muslims someplace.

Friends, this is how it all starts.  We who believe the Bible, and I do mean all of the Bible, not just the parts YOU like...are going to be increasingly looked at as idiots.  Once we can be looked at as idiots, we can then be shoved to the corner of the room where our opinions will not be valid anymore.  Once our opinions aren't valued, then we can be trampled.  Once we can be trampled then we can be persecuted.

Lest you think this will NEVER happen in better think again.  It is GOING to happen...we just don't know when.  We also don't know for sure if the rapture of the Church will precede it...or if we need to begin to reconcile ourselves and decide now whether we will stand for the Truth of Scripture and the Truth of the Gospel...or if we will fold and deny Christ to save ourselves and/or our families.

Serious stuff, huh?

Hat tip to Tom F.

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