
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Don't Sell Your House to the Jews!!

Where ever you see Muslims in control of can expect to see barbaric laws.  Today we read that an Arab in Palestine has been sentenced to death for selling his home to a Jew. 

I smell a peace train coming!...and it must be right around the corner!! (sarcasm)

Former Palestinian intelligence official Muhammad Abu Shahala has reportedly been sentenced to death by the Palestinian Authority for selling a Hebron home to Jews. In response, Jewish officials from the community in Hebron are calling for international officials now to get involved—in order to save Abu Shahala’s life.

Mr. Abu Shahala reportedly confessed following torture sessions at the hands of his captors. The death sentence can be executed only following concurrence by Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, president of the PA. After he signs the death warrant, Abu Shahala may be killed.

It is appalling to think that property sales should be defined as a ‘capital crime’ punishable by death. The very fact that such a ‘law’ exists within the framework of the PA legal system points to a barbaric and perverse type of justice, reminiscent of practices implemented during the dark ages.

It is incumbent upon the entire international community, which views Abu Mazen and the Palestinian Authority as a viable Middle East peace partner, to publicly reject such acts of legal murder, when the ‘crime’ is nothing more than property sales. What would be the reaction to a law in the United States, England, France, or Switzerland, forbidding property sales to Jews?

So they tortured the poor dude until he "confessed" that he sold his home to a Jew. 

Seriously folks...can it be true that Team Obama and the majority of the world's nations expect to make a functioning state called Palestine and have it be run by these folks?  Can it be true that we are DEMANDING that the Jews sit at the bargaining table with these people...people who have a law that allows it's own citizens to be killed for selling property to Jews?

Can we all clearly understand that Jesus said there will be NO PEACE in Jerusalem until He returns?

Can we all clearly understand that the nations who turn on Israel will be cursed by the Creator of the universe?

Can we all please start calling evil what it is....EVIL?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for your post. How our US churches are blind to this is amazing. Here is an interesting article on the Arab press on the Christian BDS movement.

    Two major US churches are considering resolutions to boycott and divest from companies they say are profiting from the Israeli occupation.

    Blessings and curses.

    We are headed down the wrong road as a nation.


