
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

IMF Asks USA for Money

Here's a funny seems the IMF is asking America for some more money so they can bail out Europe. we LOOK like we have any money to lend?  What do you propose we do...borrow another $trillion from China so we can give it to the IMF?  If that's the case, why don't they just call China and ask for the loan directly?

Of course we know the reason for that....because the world wants the USA to co sign any loan...because the world still has confidence in the we are the LEAST WORST place to be....for now.

Speaking in Washington, Ms Lagarde said the 187-nation IMF needed more firepower to tackle financial crises raging around the globe, arguing it was in the interests of the US to pitch in and help Europe.

"Americans might ask themselves: why should what happens in the rest of the world concern us? Don't we have our own problems?" she said.
"The answer is simple: In today's world, we cannot afford the luxury of staying in our own mental backyards.

"If the European economy falters, the American recovery and American jobs would be in jeopardy, so America has a large stake in how Europe fares - and how the world fares."


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