
Monday, April 16, 2012

Mother Nature on a Roll

Unless you were under a rock this weekend, you certainly were aware of the hundred+ tornadoes that ran all across the Midwest on Saturday and Sunday.  Thankfully the death toll was relatively small.  The weather service had done something very rare in advance of the storms....they issued tornado warnings a day in advance!

That's just crazy.

In Sunday's Minneapolis Star Tribune we had a commentary by their weatherman whose name is Paul Douglas.  Here is some of what he said;

One outspoken radio-curmudgeon likes to call local TV meteorologists "weather terrorists". Funny, huh? I've been called worse. I'm flapping my arms in front of red, pulsating blobs on Doppler; a bewildered spectator, like everyone else.

Mother Nature is on a roll. Or rampage. It's not your imagination: severe weather is on the rise. More tornadoes, more floods, more fire; more extremes. The Weather Underground's Jeff Masters says America's weather the last 2 years has been the most severe since 1816. I feel like a tour guide in the Book of Revelations. When you don't see a 7th day on my 7-Day Outlook it's time to head for the hills. The storm that spawned 122+ tornadoes Saturday, another outbreak uncomfortably close to home Sunday, is pushing east. Cold exhaust whips up sprinkles, maybe a lonely flurry Monday morning. No worries: nothing will stick on your neon-green lawn.


Wow!  Now we even have the local weatherman referencing the book of  Revelation!  Of course he is doing it with tongue in cheek but still, we have watched enough weathermen in the past year and they simply are at a loss to explain what is going on.  All they can do is shake their heads in wonder just like the rest of us.

The people of planet earth are certainly in for a big surprise...when the Creator of weather and the Creator of all things returns...and men will faint with fear for what is coming upon them.  But for now they just joke about things like Revelation and Armageddon.

Thank you Jesus that there is no condemnation for those who have put their trust in you.

Hat tip to Dianne B.

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