
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nations Who Persecute Christ Are Heading for Trouble

It should be obvious to the people of the world that the only nations of the world that are decent places to live have a history of Judeo-Christian values... while places that don't have Christ some place in their heritage, or are chasing out Christ, are either already in mayhem or heading for mayhem.

A view has now grown up in the West that religion in the public sphere is either irrelevant or positively harmful. Its good bits, such as loving your neighbour, say people like Richard Dawkins, have nothing intrinsically to do with religion. Its bad bits very much do, and they must be stamped out, or at least relegated to a completely private sphere in which people can mutter their weird incantations only behind closed doors.

It is believed that universal doctrines of human rights, enforced by the United Nations and by international courts, can settle all the moral stuff necessary to the running of society. All the rest is seen as superstition and bigotry. Despite a bit of bleating from Catholics, God was left out of the Constitution of the European Union. He had a lucky escape, one might think, but nevertheless it is significant that those planning Utopia for our continent felt they could dispense with Him.

At least two things are missed in this God-is-dead political order. One is that it ignores the basis of so many of the ideas it advocates. These ideas are not the result of intellectual virgin births in modern times. They have parentage. They could not have been conceived without Christian thought about the intrinsic dignity of each human person.

One of the main reasons that slavery was abolished in the Christian world (though it took a shamefully long time to happen) is that St Paul taught that no slavery could be approved by the faith because “we are all one in Christ Jesus”. Unfortunately, it is not naturally obvious to humanity that slavery is wrong. People like enslaving one another. The wrongness has to be re-taught in each generation. Post-God, it is not clear on what basis to teach it.


Look around you at the nations.  Iraq has chased out a million Christians and they now are killing teenagers for wearing tight jeans.  Afghanistan is a hell hole.  Every Muslim nation is messed up with their ideas of human rights and persecute you if you don't believe as they do.  Any people with wealth in China want to get out and dream of coming to America.  North Korea is literally like hell on earth.  Egypt will soon be in miserable chaos once the Muslim's take full control and chase out the Coptic believers who have been there for centuries.

Without Christ how do you teach a society about what is "good"?  Whose moral authority do you use if you can't stand on the teachings of the Bible and believe that the Bible is, in fact, divine?

Remember friends, we were not sent to earth to make the earth a better place.  No, we were sent here to preach the Gospel and snatch people from the fire.  The fact that we DO make the world a better place for the short time that we are here, has nothing to do with us and EVERYTHING to do with the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

The Holy Spirit restrains evil...and when the Christians are driven out of nations, those nations will become evil very quickly.

If we can learn this simple lesson by observing the nations of the world now just imagine what will happen when God draws all of the Holy Spirit off this earth during the rapture?  It will be a time of misery like the world has never seen...and will never see again.

Thank you Jesus for all you have done and are yet to do.

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