
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Freedom Tower...Harbinger of Disaster?

Have you guys all noticed that they are rebuilding the World Trade Towers in New York?

Did you see George Stephanopolous broadcasting from the top of the new (yet still under construction) tower a few days ago?   

Did you see that the picture of the new tower was on the front of the Wall Street Journal a few days ago...with the caption by the photo reading, "BACK ON TOP: FREEDOM TOWER RISES TO BECOME NEW YORK'S TALLEST"

Did you hear them interview the construction manager who proudly proclaimed that the new Freedom Tower was going to be the safest, structurally sound and most technologically advanced high rise in the country?

Have you guys seen that a top selling book on Christian lists is a book called THE HARBINGER...written my a messianic Jewish Rabbi?  It speaks about Isaiah 9:10 that says, "The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars."

Watch him here explain this passage and what it may mean for America.

As you will find out when you watch, the passage in Isaiah was strangely quoted by Senator Tom Daschle and Senator John Edwards soon after the bricks had fallen down on Sept. 11, 2001.  They used the passage as an encouragement that America will rebuild and that terrorists won't slow us down....BUT....the passage in Isaiah is about God warning Israel that HE ALLOWED the bricks to fall in hopes it would get their attention to turn and repent...but they pridefully announced that they were simply going to build the buildings back up with even better materials.  (using dressed stone rather than bricks)

Israel was given warnings (Harbingers) before destruction came on them...and for the most part they ignored them.

Has America been given warnings that we also are ignoring??  Did the bricks fall on 9/11 and kill the fig trees (sycamores) at the little miracle church by Ground Zero?  Were those trees subsequently replaced with come type of cedar?  Is America about to be destroyed because we simply REFUSE to repent and turn back to the ONE TRUE GOD who has so blessed this nation??

Good questions.

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