
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here Comes the Sunstorm

Yes, we know the sun is in an exceedingly volatile state.  We know that the sun goes through cycles that can spit out massive solar storms...and we also know that there was a HUGE solar storm back in 1859 known as the Carrington event.  That solar storm was so huge that campers in the mountains of Colorado reported that it was so bright in the middle of the night, due to the massive northern lights display, that they started breaking camp because they thought it was morning.

But in 1859 the nation didn't even have electricity so it really didn't affect the horse drawn culture which was in use.

But what if a storm of that magnitude were to happen today?

The sun is expected to hit a peak eruption period in 2013, and while superstorms don't always occur in peak periods, some warn of a disaster. John Kappenman, a consultant and former power engineer who has spent decades researching the storms, says the modern power grid isn't hardened for the worst nature has to offer. He says an extreme storm could cause blackouts lasting weeks or months, leaving major cities temporarily uninhabitable and taking a massive economic toll.

"This is arguably the largest natural-disaster scenario that the nation could face," said Mr. Kappenman.


Ouch!  Having our major cities blacked out for weeks or months would be a MAJOR problem...not just because of the anarchy...but imagine the blow to the U.S. economy if not one single worker were able to show up to work for months!  Do you think such an event might collapse the value of our dollar?

To me, this is just one more piece of evidence that God is trying to warn man of his folly in believing that HE is able to control his own destiny.  Volcanoes can not be quenched, earthquakes can not be stopped, tsunamis can't not be controlled, tornadoes can not be put back in the clouds...the lists goes on and on.

But instead of helpless man turning back to his creator and humbling himself in front of Almighty God....we just continue to believe that we have everything under control.  Who needs God??

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