
Monday, May 7, 2012

A Message from Satan

I don't know how many of you understand Twitter but whenever I post something to this blog I then post a sentence about it on Twitter and anyone who is following me will then know that I have a new post to read. 

This morning I saw that someone who is following me also had a new posting. 

You are part of the existence, called Aum, a God of this universe. I would like you to think deeply and deeply about the meaning of the word "I am you and you all are me." If you perceive it, there opened an unlimited power and unlimited possibility to you all.

When you are truly awaken to that power (force: star wars), you could assist in bringing your planet to the next dimension, so that the awakened persons could make it up in such a way. Without your assistance, it will be impossible for Earth to make this ascension. The spiritual energy of those who are living there, a will of Earth Consciousness wishing to go to the next dimension, to go to the next stage, the power of the perception of the people living there, and the time, when all of them meet together, then the mission to move to the next stage will be given to the planet.

Up until now, Earth has not been given the stage in which it could evolve to the next level. It is presumed that it was not yet the time, and that those who live there have not been prepared fully. But, now Earth is going to enter a new dimensional world. The consciousness of the people living there is going up; such a splendid time is coming to us. Now, in this universe, all of us are delighted in the future of Earth, playing a melody of celebration. In only one more step, you Earth can step into the new stage.


Holy crap!  That is all a load of bunk!  Earth consciousness?? Next spiritual level??  The consciousness of people on earth is going up??   What??  The exact opposite is true!!  People's immorality is spiraling out of control....debauchery is through the moon....drug use, sexual perversion and selfishness is spreading like wildfire!

But remember friends, as the Last Days continue to play out we can expect people's rebelliousness to grow.  They will rebel against the True power of God and instead will want to hear messages that tell them what they want to hear.  And the message that all our human flesh and brains want to hear is one that says, "You are good!  You are god!  Whatever you desire you can have!  You deserve good things!  If you think it you can have it!  The old ways are done!  Peace, love and the age of Aquarius is about to break out!"

Of course behind the scenes we know that Satan is planning for the rapture of the church when millions of humans will vanish....and he is putting out messages like this so they can offer numerous explanations about where it is that we have gone.

Of course to the message above he will attach this addendum, "The folks who have vanished were all people who were holding back earth from making its new ascension.  They were people who clung to the guns and their errant belief in the Bible.  We have taken them for reprogramming but don't worry, they will be rejoining us on this ascended earth in about 7 years."

Lord, have mercy.

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