
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Muslims in Paris Hints at U.S. Future

Why won't people stand up to Muslims?  Because they are scared of being labeled "Islamaphobes"....or worse, they are scared of having a fatwa issued which offers a reward to any Muslim who kills the offender of Islam.

Here in Minnesota, we had Muslim cab drivers refusing to pick up passengers who appeared to be drinking or carrying alcohol....because Islam forbids alcohol.  We figured out a way to appease them.

Next we had Muslims working as Target cashiers who started to refuse to handle sausage, bacon and other pork products in the check out line....because Islam forbids pork.  Target figured out a way to appease them.

Now we are hearing that the St Cloud, MN school district has built a Muslim prayer room because so many Muslims demanded a private place for their kids to pray during the school day.

Now watch what has happened in Paris....because the French are afraid of offending the poor Muslims...and so have taken on the idea to appease them.

Here is what we know....Islam is a false religion that leads people away from Christ, so it MUST be supernaturally empowered by Satan.  Of course if you say this to anyone else but a Bible believing follower of Christ, you will immediately be labeled an "intolerant" who believes that only followers of Christ can obtain salvation.

People don't want to be labeled as intolerant but prefer to be viewed as "inclusive" so they want desperately to work with the Muslims so they can receive the badge handed out by liberals that says, "I am tolerant and inclusive!"

People who don't read and believe their Bibles are now being severely blinded by the SPIRIT OF THIS AGE so that they simply can't see that Islam is planting a explosive charge that will decimate this nation.

It's already exploding in France.

Unrest is coming...and many Muslims are beginning to get the feeling that they will soon be sitting on top of the world as the 13th Caliphate rules all the infidels...which is everyone who refuses to submit to Islam.

Please pray against the coming darkness.

Hat tip to Bob K.

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