
Monday, May 21, 2012

Opening the Door to Hell

Last March, Greek politicians promised the IMF and the central bankers of Europe that they would live by the budget (austerity) agreement they signed in exchange for receiving more huge loans.

Now the Greeks are having second thoughts as the pain from the medicine kicks in...and they have elected politicians who are promising them solutions which have little or no pain.

The ex-Finance Minister of Greece says in a recent interview that if Greece re negs on it's March agreement they will be 'opening the door to hell."

Wow...that sounds bad.

Greece's former finance minister has told Sky News that if Greece reneges on its bailout deal with the EU and the IMF it will "open the door to hell".

"People have had wage cuts, pension cuts, tax rises... and unemployment has gone through the roof - we need to respond to this," he told Sky News.

Interestingly, he admits there are elements of the bailout deal that he would seek to renegotiate but he says if Greece were to do what Syriza's leader, Alexis Tsipras, is proposing and fail to honour the promises the country has made in return for emergency funding then the results would be disastrous.

"The first thing that happens is the money (from the EU and IMF) stops flowing to Greece, the second thing that happens is people start worrying about their deposits in the banks, the third thing that happens is the banking system is in danger of collapsing and then you have to defend it even by sending in the army and the police on to the streets to avoid a bank run," he said.


Holy anarchy!  The people have ALREADY started to run on the Greek banks and withdrew almost a $ 1 billion in the past week!  Does that mean collapse and a police state may soon be coming for the party-loving Greeks?

Could this be further foreshadowing for us party-loving Americans when the U.S. dollar starts coming under an attack of confidence?...when investors and savers start running on U.S. banks?

Hey...I wonder if that's why the U.S. Military has been quietly building detention facilities all over America this past decade....because they are going to need a place to keep lots of party-loving Americans who have so enjoyed living the good life off of borrowed money?

It's fun to spend money when it's not yours!...and it's NO FUN to pay it back.

Chant with me now..."We want more fun!  We want more fun!  We want more fun!"

There now, didn't that feel good?  Now go do your civic duty and vote come November....and remember to vote for the candidate who promises the most fun.

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