
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Where is the Gold?

What if you were an investor who bought a bunch of gold and then paid to have it kept in a bank...and then found out that the gold you thought was there wasn't really there?  You would have to wonder what the heck is going on.

According to one insider in Europe...that's exactly what is going on.  Could this be more evidence of a coming collapse?

“We are stressing to investors to take their gold out of the banking system, not only because there are runs on banks that will continue, but the risk of being in the banking system is major. So you should take the additional step of not just owning physical gold, but also owning it outside of the banking system.

We (just) had an example of a client moving a substantial amount (of gold) from a Swiss bank to our vaults, and we found out the bank didn’t have the gold. This was supposed to be allocated gold, but the bank didn’t have it. We didn’t understand why there was a delay (in our vaults receiving the gold), but eventually we found out why there was a delay (the bank didn’t have the gold). It’s absolutely amazing, but not surprising.
This confirms what I’ve always thought. Not only should you not have gold in banks or even unallocated gold, but even allocated gold. It seems that some banks don’t even possess that. So the risk of having gold in the banking system is major.”

Of course if this is true, it is simply more evidence that the dominoes are starting to fall in more places than just Greece.  It means that Swiss banks are selling gold to numerous people but don't really have the gold in their possession.

It would be akin to Bernie Madoff selling stocks to numerous investors so they all believe they own the stocks...but really Bernie isn't in possession of any stock.

Classic Ponzi scheme stuff.  But Bernie's scheme only involved $50 billion.  What if Europe's Ponzi scheme involve $trillions of fabricated sales?  This is the type of news that could crash the entire global economy into a depression...the likes of which haven't been seen in the modern age.

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