
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"2013 is Going to be Very Bad"

There is a famous investor, billionaire named Jim Rogers.  He has been sounding the alarm for some time now that our financial house of cards is teetering. 

Investors hoping for a rising stock market next year are going to be disappointed, according to famed investor and author Jim Rogers.

In a recent interview with Fox Business, Rogers said ominously that “2013 is going to be very bad. God knows what’s going to happen in 2014.”
When asked why next year is going to be so bad, Rogers didn’t mince words.

“The election is going to be over,” he said.

Rogers said that the government is printing huge amounts of money, and spending huge amounts of money, in an attempt to gain four more years in office.

“Next year is going to be very bad in the American stock market. Remember, we have an election this year. The government is doing everything it can to get re-elected. So next year is going to be a disaster,” Rogers added.

Yes, the problem with bubbles is that you know they will ultimately pop...but it is very hard to say exactly when.  However, WE KNOW that printing paper money that is only backed by promises made by politicians IS NOT going to end well.

As one analyst says near the end of this article; 

At one point, Wiedemer even calls out Bernanke, saying that his “money from heaven will be the path to hell.”

Friends, America has a serious financial problem and the only solution is a spiritual one.   If Americans would humble themselves and seek God's face then HE could heal our land.  But if we continue holding out hope that the folly of men will soon come up with a solution to what ails us....chances are we are going to be disappointed.

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