
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Greek Apocalypse

The banks in Greece are losing a billion dollars per day as everyone continues pulling out their money as they fear a collapse.  And now they are starting to hoard canned food.

NERVOUS Greeks are withdrawing up to 800 million euros ($1.01 billion) a day and stocking up on canned food as they fear the country will be forced to leave the eurozone after this Sunday's election.   

Greek citizens fear the ramifications of a return to the country’s previous currency, the drachma, if the radical left-wing party and strong election contender SYRIZA wins this weekend.

Bankers said daily withdrawals from the major banks were hitting €500-€800 million ($631.8 million-$1.01 billion), Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, retailers say consumers are stocking up on non-perishable foods like pasta and canned goods.

Greece’s finance minister refused to comment but the country’s labour minister said that Greece should have enough cash to pay pensions at least for July.

If Greece walked away from the euro, the drachma’s value against other currencies would plunge along with the earnings of Greek workers.


So if this is happening Greece today, how about Spain or Italy tomorrow?

Why not America in the not distant future?

"Dennis...this is America!  That could never happen here!  We are the greatest country the earth has ever seen!"

As we have said in the past....I'm sure that's what they were saying in Rome before they fell...and Babylon when the writing was on the wall.

When a nation turns from God...all bets are off as to how long they can last.

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