
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Something Big is About to Happen

Can you sense it?  Have you noticed that those in the body of Christ who have a sensitivity to prophecy has ramped up their urgency?  When you are at sporting events, or anywhere where there is a crowd, do you look around and wonder how many people would vanish if the trumpet blew right then?  Does it feel to you like the more crazy weather, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, mass animal deaths, cannibalism stories, perversion stories, strange groaning sounds, UFO sightings, etc...that there are, that the media and people around us seem to fall further into a deep sleep?

If you do feel some, or all, of the above....take heart, because there are lots of folks who are feeling the exact same thing.

Today, on Rapture Ready there is an article that I believe does a very succinct job of summarizing this feeling that many of us have and then also going through all the signs that are happening with increasing frequency so that we may be encouraged that the Lord is close.

I believe that we are not only in the season of the Lord’s return, but that we are at the very end of that season.

The Bible tells us that in the last days there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. We are certainly witnessing a myriad of both rare and spectacular signs in the heaven. The real beauty of these signs is that they are available to mankind all over the world regardless of the language each person may speak. Even more unique is how these signs speaks volumes to the person who looks up in belief, while they are little more than pretty lights in the sky to the spiritually ignorant and those unbelievers who lay claim to the mental superiority of the scientific mind while closing those same minds to the facts which surround them that do not support their feeble hypothesis.

To those who refuse to believe, no amount of proof is sufficient. To those who believe, no proof is necessary.

All of the traditional signs of the last days have not only been in place for many months now, but they also continue to intensify with each passing day. One would expect the rapture of the Church at any moment based upon these signs alone and yet there is something more – much more – that has the world on edge. It is a pervasive feeling that something really big is about to happen. This feeling is exceptionally difficult to define. Christians hopefully look for the return of the Messiah. Many in the New Age Movement look for the Age of Pisces to end on the winter solstice on December 21, 2012, and for the Age of Aquarius to begin as the earth’s equatorial plane aligns exactly with the center of our galaxy. Buddhists look for the return of Maitreya sometime in the very near future. Mayans predict and end of an epoch on December 21, 2012, and a new epoch to begin. The Aztec look for the return of the flying serpent, Quetzalcoatl, sometime around the end of 2012. Aztecs also predict the possible end of time, as we know it, and possibly the end of the world. The I-Ching independently predicts the end to occur on the winter solstice this year. Meanwhile, the Zohar, which is a collection of books in the mystical Jewish Kabbalah from 13th century Spain, talks about the appearance of the Messiah at about this same general time. According to these texts, all of the kings of the world will come together in Rome, which will then be destroyed by God. This closely parallels the prophecy of Saint Malachi, the Bishop of Armagh, who was summoned to Rome in 1139 AD by Pope Innocent II and while there had a vision in which God revealed the 112 future popes, including the last pope, who will come to power and witness the destruction of Rome. Muslims look for the return of the Mahdi, or Twelfth Imam at about this time, while teenagers around the world look for the return of the twelfth season of American Idol.
The entire world is on edge because its inhabitants from every nation and culture feel something. Something that is almost impossible to identify or define.

I strongly recommend you read the entire article here;

Here is a good word picture I got from a book I am reading called, TWILIGHT'S LAST GLEAMING.  The author says something like this; "Let's suppose you had a really good job that you did really well and your boss liked you very much and was very appreciative of everything you were doing for the company.  The job you have happens to be in a place that has bad winters...and you HATE the cold of winter and the short days that it brings.  So one day in the fall, as winter is approaching, your boss comes in and tells you that as soon as the weather drops below freezing for 7 days in a row, he is going to send you to Miami where he has rented you a condo on the beach and all expenses will be paid for a two week winter get away.  Wouldn't you maybe start looking at the coming winter differently?  Wouldn't you start to look at the forecasts and hope the temperature keeps getting colder, and maybe even saying 'drat!' if you saw a sunny day that was coming...because you knew it could delay your Miami trip?  Wouldn't you try and do a great job at work so that when the time came to leave for Miami, your desk would be clean and you would feel very ready to leave?"

Wow.  This earth is growing darker.  Winter is coming.  We don't know at what day or hour the blizzard will arrive and we don't know how many days of sunshine may delay the pending blizzard....but Jesus has promised us that He will never leave us and that He will come for us to take us to a place where we will be eternally joyful to be in His encourage each other with these words and let's be busy doing what the Master has asked.  The time left to do the work may be getting really short....and lot's of people sense it.

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