
Friday, June 15, 2012

Steroid Thugs Roaming Syria

According to this article, President Assad has a team of special forces called the "ghost killers".  They are men who have been pumped up on steroids and get paid a fortune to go into towns to murder and mutilate women and children.

Vanishing with the remains of their slaughtered victims, President al-Assad’s pumped up monsters are roaming Syria committing atrocities.

The death squads known as the Ghosts have swooped on villages and massacred women and children – slitting their throats or shooting them at point-blank range.

They disappear with the hacked remains in an effort to cover up their brutality. But experts say there is no mistaking the sickening work of these bearded paramilitary freaks.

They carry out the government’s dirty work so the President can claim the rampages are not state sponsored.

Armed with AK-47s and machetes they travel behind the military. After the army stops shelling towns, the Ghosts swarm in to kill any survivors.

They are each paid around £130 a day, a fortune in Syria. The funds often come from businessmen who support Assad’s regime.


What a nightmare.  Is there anything good that is going to come out of Syria's civil war?  Is there a nice democracy that is going to emerge which will be based on Judeo-Christian values and the 10 commandments?

Of course not.  This place is a train wreck that is heading into the sewer.  Even if the Sunni's were to murder every Shiite in the entire middle east....then one Sunni faction would start warring with another Sunni faction.

What we are witnessing is a couple of Satanic plots (at least two) that are colliding right in the middle of Syria.  The demons of war have been released...and they have a real thirst for blood, rape and mutilation.

This simply won't end unless The West decides it is going to go in with big guns, planes and tanks and attempt to slow it down....or unless Israel nukes the city of Damascus and silences thousands of these demons...for a little while.

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