
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Assad Will Use Chemicals if Cornered

Many people have asked why the rest of the world won't "do something" in Syria to stop the violence....something like we did in Libya when the UN helped the rebels by supplying air support.

Quite simply, that can be answered by saying that Syria IS NOT Libya.  Syria's military, missiles and chemical weapons, and also it's proximity to Israel are MUCH more serious than anything that had to be considered in Libya.

Today we have the news coming out that the Syrian Ambassador to Iraq has defected.  I believe they are saying this is the highest level defector to date.

So what is this dude saying?  No surprise here but he is warning that if Assad and his inner circle feel the pressure closing in on them....they won't hesitate to use their chemical weapons.

Nawaf Fares, ex-ambassador to Iraq, said unconfirmed reports indicated such weapons might have already been used.

The comments were made as clashes were reported in Baghdad Street, central Damascus, and fighting spread in suburbs around the city.

Syria is known to have a significant stockpile of chemical weapons. There have been growing concerns in neighbouring countries and among Western governments about the security of such weapons should the regime fall.

Asked if he thought President Assad might use chemical weapons against the opposition, Mr Fares told BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner in an interview in Qatar that he would not rule it out, describing Mr Assad as "a wounded wolf and cornered".

"There is information, unconfirmed information of course, that chemical weapons have been used partially in the city of Homs," he said.


Think about it....if Assad is a wounded wolf and starts to picture himself being dragged out of his office and shot in the head like Qaddafi in Libya,,,,why wouldn't he give the order to launch the chemicals on Israel?  By doing so he may instantly gain positive points from the entire Arab world.  He also may get the civil war to cool down (temporarily) in Syria if he can get all the fighting factions to focus, for a time, on the destruction of Israel.

And once Israel has the intel that Damascus is screwing nerve gas warheads onto a missile planned for Israel...they will scramble their jets and destroy the place.

Could the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 be hours, days or weeks away?  We have no idea.  We DO KNOW that it will be destroyed and never inhabited again until Jesus returns to earth and sets all things straight....we just don't know when. 

But you can sure see how the table has been set for the first time in HUMAN HISTORY for this prophecy to be fulfilled.

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