
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bad News for Muslim Brotherhood in Libya

According to news coming out of Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood is a distant 2nd in the elections held there.  After their recent wins in Egypt and Tunisia, their momentum appears to have been slowed down.

I believe that we should be able to label this is "good" news...for the time being anyway.

Remember that it is important to watch Libya because they are a NAMED PLAYER in the Ezekiel 38 coalition...and will be joining ranks with Russia, Iran, Turkey and a few other North African nations, that come up with a plan to destroy Israel in the VERY LAST DAYS.

Nijad Sharfeddin was the face of the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya's historic parliamentary elections. Featured prominently on campaign posters in her hijab and glasses, sans makeup, she was the image of both modernity in Arab politics and conservative Islamic values.

But voters suspicious of the Brotherhood, which has no real history in Libya, often asked her to name a Libyan on her ticket whom they would have heard of. She couldn't. Those suspicions and a lack of an identity in the Libyan street were some of the many factors that led to the Brotherhood slate's distant second-place finish in Saturday's vote, experts and everyday Libyans said.

The official election results may not be announced until next week, but the Brotherhood is already absorbing its biggest loss of the Arab Spring, having earned, according to projections, as little as 3 percent of the vote in some cities. While Brotherhood members lead in Tunisia and Egypt, and have made a strong showing in Yemen, Libya brought the electoral momentum of the world's largest Islamic party to a screeching halt.

Mahmoud Jibril - former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's foreign minister and the head of the interim government after the Gadhafi state collapsed last fall - already has taken a commanding lead even as election workers continue to count ballots. Jibril, a former professor at the University of Pittsburgh who is generally popular despite his former ties to Gadhafi, led a pro-Western coalition called the National Forces Alliance.

"I don't know the Brotherhood politics but I know Jibril's. We don't need someone telling us how to practice Islam," explained Walid Omar Regabi, 26, a government worker, while sitting outside a mosque where Jibril campaign posters hung inside. "We didn't see the Brotherhood during the revolution."

One Libyan, while smoking a water pipe in Tripoli's old city, near the Roman-built arch that defines the city landscape, put it more bluntly: "We are smarter than the Tunisians and Egyptians."


This is really interesting.  Of course Iran's leadership is made up of Shiite Muslims, so maybe we should be watching for extreme Shiite Muslim terrorist parties to start making inroads into Libya?  Remember the Muslim Brotherhood is made up of Sunni terrorists...and they don't always like Shiite terrorists...unless they are both cooperating to kill Jews or wipe out Israel.

Or maybe it won't be Muslim extremists at all that end up winning the leadership of Libya?  Maybe something totally different will come out??

Did you see that the dude who is in the lead as the votes are counted, went to the University of Pittsburgh??  How interesting is that??  And his party is PRO-WESTERN....meaning they kind of like America.

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