
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chinese Apocalypse Coming?

We all know that the Western economies of the world have been in a prolonged recession.  Many have been reliant of the great economy of China and its 1 billion consumers, to pull the world out of that recession.

But what happens if even China is sitting on the edge of the financial abyss?

From shrinking trade to stalling factories to surprise rate cuts, signs are mounting that China is headed for a hard landing.

Tuesday investors fretted as China’s imports in June grew at half the expected pace, entrenching concerns that domestic demand in the world’s second-largest economy is cooling quickly.

The news was also not a good harbinger for China first-half GDP data to be released later this week.

About 30 people were hurt and two police cars were smashed last month when a riot broke out in Shaxi township in Guangdong province — known as the ‘world’s factory floor.’

As exporters go bust and factories cut shifts, tensions between migrant workers and locals over layoffs and wage cuts are mounting. Migrant workers are the elbow grease of China’s growth and their disaffection could be its undoing, writes Moss.

Last year pork prices skyrocketed 57% in response to the growing Chinese appetite for meat, but over the past four months that demand has slipped. So much so that the hog-to-corn price ratio which measures whether rearing pigs is profitable dipped into the red and the government had to step in. At the same time the price of eggs has shot up so quickly that shoppers now call them ‘rocket eggs’ and Chinese consumers, shaken by the faltering economy and food safety scares, are opting to grow their own food.


Uh-oh.  Unrest, skyrocketing food prices, power shortages, millionaires exiting the country....this all sounds like signs that China might be getting ready for a big bust.  What happens to America if the Chinese aren't around to loan us $5 billion per day to keep our economy afloat?

Throw in the fact that they have aborted all the baby girls and you have millions of Chinese men who have no hope of finding a you have intense sexual frustration and little hope for the future.

Remember what history shows us about nations who have huge imbalances between the populations of young men and young women....they go to war.

Remember what the Bible has to say about the "kings of the East" arising in the Last Days and marching on Jerusalem?

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