
Thursday, July 5, 2012

"He'll Get the Message to Them Somehow"

The prophet Joel told us to watch for it...and the Apostle Paul also told us to watch for it;  "I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."  Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17

In just one further sign that seems to point to the fact that we are in the Last Days, (maybe the VERY Last Days?) we continue to hear about Muslims having dreams and visions that lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ.

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Several years ago, Ali took the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca known as Hajj.
"Of course when I went to Mecca I was going there in order to pay hommage to the Kabba and to fulfill the requirements in Islam," he recalled.

But the trip became more of a spiritual journey than he could ever imagine.

"That night I saw Jesus in a dream. First, Jesus touched my forehead with his finger. And after touching me, He said, 'You belong to me,'" Ali recalled.

"And then He touched me above my heart," he continued. "'You have been saved, follow me. You belong to me,' he said."

Doyle and his wife Joanna take the gospel to the Muslim world. He's also the author of the upcoming book, Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?

"I think our God is a fair God, that He's righteous and just, and people are seeking and they don't know where to go," Doyle said.

"Maybe they don't have a Bible, maybe there's no missionary in the village," he said. "He'll get the message to them somehow."

The phenomenon of dreams and visions has surfaced throughout the Muslim world, from Indonesia to Morocco.

"In the church if you ask how many people came to Christ, 80 percent will say, 'I saw Him in a dream,'" one woman in central Asia told CBN News. Her identity is being protected for security reasons.

Friends...the harvest is at hand and the workers are few, says JESUS IS DOING ALL THE WORK HIMSELF.  If the Gospel hasn't made it to that corner of the world or to that specific village or person, Jesus is just showing up and telling them that HE is the only way to salvation.

Praise God!!

We have posted about this in the past, so here is a link to one post that we did back on April 30, 2009 that you may find interesting.

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