
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Israel-Iran Conflict May Happen Before Election

We have seen this before and and even blogged on it, but it came up today in Bloomberg News.

The leaders of Israel may very well decide to launch a preventive strike against Iran’s nuclear program before the U.S. election on Nov. 6.

Sanctions are failing to persuade the Iranian regime to stop enriching uranium, and negotiations with members of theUnited Nations Security Council are bearing no fruit.

With these failures in mind, Israeli officials have intensified their rhetoric. The defense minister, Ehud Barak, told an audience this week at Israel’s National Defense College that although he is “well aware of the difficulties involved in thwarting Iran’s attempts to acquire a nuclear weapon,” he believes that “dealing with the threat itself will be far more complicated, far more dangerous and far more costly in resources and human life.”

Barak and the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, have argued that they don’t want to subcontract the task of attacking Iran’s nuclear program to the U.S. They think the Jewish state shouldn’t rely on others for its defense. Still, there’s a good chance they will postpone action until after the U.S. election, which is what the Obama administration says it wants them to do.

On the matter of Iran, however, Netanyahu would be wrong to root for Romney. Barack Obama is the one who’s more likely to confront Iran militarily, should sanctions and negotiations fail. He has committed himself to stopping Iran by any means necessary, and he has a three-year record as president to back his rhetoric. Romney has only rhetoric, and he would be hamstrung in many ways if he chose military confrontation.


So let's frame this again....Netanyahu certainly would rather have Romney as the new POTUS.  However, if they are weighing a strike on Iran, they KNOW Obama would have to support them today as POTUS....if he has any hope of re Obama has already spoken a hard line against Iran so his word would be on the line if Israel hits Iran before the election.

Oh...those rumors or war...they just keep a comin'....

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