
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Massive Glacier Melts in 4 Days

I certainly don't know what is causing the massive heat, droughts, floods, tornadoes, etc....  Is it because of burning fossil fuels, or farting cows, ocean currents, sun spots or a combination of it all?

Or maybe Jesus is coming and the earth is groaning...just like the Bible says?

But here is something that is interesting...a huge glacier in Greenland literally melted in 4 days!!

If you follow global warming news at all, you’ve probably seen the NASA satellite images (above) many times. The images show the extent of Greenland surface ice melt on July 8 (left) and July 12 (right). In just a few days, the area of the ice sheet with surface melting increased from about 40% to 97%, including Summit Station, Greenland’s highest and coldest spot.


Whatever it was that caused all this ice to melt, we can certainly all agree that it is a rare event.

1 comment:

  1. melting not melted.
    as in the ice cube started to melt and then refroze.
    The media has done a great job in misrepresenting this as a total glacial melt in 4 days. Even showing nasa pictures showing white and then green as if the total glacier had melted.
    Didn't happen, just got warm for 4 days and the ice started to melt. then it refroze. Big difference, unless the media and the global warming priests want to mislead the flock, and they do.
