
Monday, July 9, 2012

Obama Invites Islamists to White House

As we all know by know, Egypt has elected a President from the Muslim Brotherhood party.  Here is what the Muslim Brotherhood has listed as it's charter;

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!

Sounds like these dudes are nasty animals who want to kill all Jews and any other infidels who disagree with their version of perverted history and perverted religion.

So with that as the facts...what is Obama doing about these goof balls who are trying to usher in sharia law all over the world?

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama has invited Egypt's newly elected Islamist president, Mohamed Mursi, to visit the United States in September, an Egyptian official said on Sunday, reflecting the new ties Washington is cultivating with the region's Islamists.

"President Obama extended an invitation to President Mursi to visit the United States when he attends the U.N. General Assembly in September," Egyptian aide Yasser Ali said after Mursi met U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns in Cairo.

Israel has watched with growing concern the political gains of the Brotherhood, an inspiration for the Palestinian militant group Hamas. The 84-year-old Brotherhood renounced violence as a means to achieve political change in Egypt decades ago.

Analysts say that one way the United States could influence the direction of policy in Egypt, a nation at the heart of Washington's regional policy since a peace treaty was signed with Israel in 1979, would be through economic support.

Washington provides $1.3 billion a year in military aid as well as other assistance and could help mobilize other donors, lenders and investors. Those could prove vital as Egypt tries to stave off a balance of payments and budget crisis.


Hey...I'm all for talking to your enemies through back door channels, but seriously?...inviting them to the White House?  Can't imagine this is going to play well in Israel...that Obama is going to have tea with some of their worst enemies.

I wonder when this falls into the realm of "cursing Israel."?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Sarcasm... The 84-year-old Brotherhood renounced violence as a means to achieve political change in Egypt decades ago. Really! Where is the policy statement modification to their bylaws. I wager a beer that you cant find it.

    Here is something to reflect on. Mohamed Morsi during Elections Campaign Broadcast: May 13, 2012: Jihad Is Our Path, Death for the Sake of Allah Is Our Most Lofty Aspiration, the Shari'a Is Our Constitution.

    Here in the US the media dredges up stuff that goes back years in what a candidate says. How come they are completely silent about what this guys said a month ago?


