
Friday, July 13, 2012

Syria Moving its Chemical Weapons

The civil war in Syria is serious.  The destruction of Damascus is even more serious.  What might lead to the destruction of Damascus??  Israel deciding that it can't tolerate its chemical weapons falling into the wrong hands.

WASHINGTON – US officials said that Syria has started to move part of its chemical weapons arsenal out of storage facilities, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

The country's undeclared stockpiles of sarin nerve agent, mustard gas and cyanide have long worried US officials and their allies in the region, the report said.

Western nations have looked for signs amid the rebellion against President Bashar Assad's government of any change in the location of those weapons, believed to be the world's largest stockpile.

American officials are divided on the meaning of the moves of the arsenal. Some fear Assad may want to use the weapons against rebels or civilians, while others said perhaps he is trying to safeguard them from his opponents, the WSJ reported.

Some US officials fear Damascus intends to use the weapons against the rebels or civilians, potentially as part of a targeted ethnic cleansing campaign. But other officials said Mr. Assad may be trying to safeguard the material from his opponents or to complicate Western powers' efforts to track the weapons.

Whatever the motivation, the evidence that the chemical weapons are coming into play could escalate the conflict in Syria, the report said. "This could set the precedent of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) being used under our watch. This is incredibly dangerous to our national security," a US official told the paper.


Isaiah 17 sure seems to be in the cross hairs of prophetic fulfillment.  I hope the rapture happens first, but we don't know for sure.  Either way, 'When these things BEGIN to happen, then lift up your heads for your redemption is near.'

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