
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thou Shalt Not Murder

Just about everyone you ask about the 10 commandments could name one...thou shalt not murder.

So it should come as no surprise that we see murder sweeping across many major cities in America as we shun God and take matters into our own hands.

Of course the most obvious recent murders have been in Denver at the Batman movie premier over the weekend.  The media is getting fairly breathless trying to figure out how they can take law abiding citizen's guns so that such an atrocity can never happen again.

A few weeks ago we had a man in Wisconsin who took his 3 young daughters and slit their throats in hopes that their murders would 'get even' with his ex wife.

Fresno, CA is having lots of murders this year;

It has been an exceptional year for Fresno in the worst way possible.
“We have 32 murders this year. Last year at this time we had 22, so ten more murders this year with nearly half the year left,” said Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer.

Chicago is having lots of murders this year;

Since coming into office 13 months ago, Emanuel has been shouldered with a soaring murder rate. As crime overall has dropped in the city and across the nation, Chicago already has had 275 murders this year, according to CBS News.

New Orleans has the dubious distinction of having the highest murder rate per capita.

New Orleans now has the highest per capita murder rate in the country. Most of the killings are concentrated in the city's poorest neighborhoods — places like Central City, just a few blocks north of the stately mansions that line St. Charles Avenue.

The city's mayor is launching a new program aimed at cracking what he describes as a deeply rooted culture of violence. But victims complain that a failed criminal justice system has left the streets to vigilante justice, with innocent residents caught in the crossfire.


And Evansville, Indiana is seeing murder go off the charts;

"Off the charts." That's how police are describing the murder rate in Evansville.

Six murders so far this year, and that's already more murders than all of last year.

We live in a wicked age.  The bad news is that things are only going to get worse.

The good news is that nighttime ALWAYS precedes daylight....and when Jesus Christ soon comes it is going to be a glorious day!!

1 comment:

  1. I find it very interesting that the world is so quick to scream "take the guns away!", and yet no one seems to notice that the killers who open fire on a crowd killing as many as possible have one thing in common with each other. They are all avid gamers, playing fantasy games that ivolve killing as many people as possible! Doesn't anyone see the connection here? Another thing these killers usually share in common(although I do not know yet if this is the case with the latest Colorado killer) is that they have deep involvement in the occult. The world does not want to admit that there is a link between worshiping satan and commiting murder! Go figure!
