
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another Air Force Officer Says UFO's Are Real

The information continues to come out.  Obviously, SOMETHING happened at Roswell, NM.  It's getting harder and harder to call all these astronauts, jet pilots and military officers "crackpots" when they insist that flying ships are being operated by intelligent beings who ARE NOT humans.

The 1947 UFO controversy of Roswell, N.M. is like a bad penny: It keeps turning up.

Until now, most debunkers doubted that there was even one crash. Now, in an exclusive interview, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French told The Huffington Post that there were actually two crashes.

This revelation is especially remarkable considering that French was known in the past to debunk UFO stories.

"There were actually two crashes at Roswell, which most people don't know," French told HuffPost. "The first one was shot down by an experimental U.S. airplane that was flying out of White Sands, N.M., and it shot what was effectively an electronic pulse-type weapon that disabled and took away all the controls of the UFO, and that's why it crashed."

French -- an Air Force pilot who was in Alamagordo, N.M., in 1947, being tested in an altitude chamber, an annual requirement for rated officers -- was very specific in how the military allegedly brought down what he believes was a spacecraft from another world.

"When they hit it with that electromagnetic pulse -- bingo! -- there goes all their electronics and, consequently, the UFO was uncontrollable," said French, who flew hundreds of combat missions in Korea and Southeast Asia, and who held several positions working for Military Intelligence.


And now we have French, who served more than 27 years in the military, including as an investigator and debunker for the Air Force's famous study of UFOs, known as Project Blue Book, which began in 1947.

"I'm one of the authors of Project Blue Book, and started with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, stationed in Spokane, Wash. One of the duties I had in 1952 was to debunk UFO stories," French said.

"In other words, if someone had a UFO sighting, I and another agent would try to come up with some logical explanation for this strange aerial appearance. Most of the reports were from civilians than military. We gave our analysis and tried to debunk it by saying it was swamp fog or that the thing they saw was actually hanging on wires. It went up through channels all the way to the presidential level."

But why was French ordered to debunk UFO reports in the first place?

"They never give you an explanation, but I'll tell you what my analysis of it is: If they accepted the fact that there are creatures coming to Earth from other universes or from wherever, it basically would destroy religions, and the fact that our military's helpless against them would destroy the reputation of the military," French said. "You're talking about military, national defense and religious reasons."


Holy faith built on the sand!!  How many people would abandon the faith of their fathers if some being from the planet Kolob who claimed higher intelligence told all the humans that Jesus isn't God...he never died...and in fact the whole story was planted by them to give people hope that they would go to nicer place when they died so they can see all their dead relatives....BUT IT ISN'T REALLY TRUE!!

How many people would believe the 'doctrines of demons'?

Sadly, I'm going to say that MOST would believe them.  Maybe that's why Jesus says, "Wide is the road that leads to destruction and many will be on it.  Narrow is the gate that leads to life and FEW will be on it."

Friends....these are NOT alien life forms from another planet.  They are malevolent, Satanic creations who are sent here to deceive us all and get us to follow their lies and deny Christ.

And it is very clear that the world will embrace their lies.  God forbid, if we are still here when they unleash their deception....will we believe it?  Or will our faith in the unseen Christ keep us steady?

Pray that we have sufficient oil in our lamps.

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