
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Decision to Strike Iran Almost Final

We have been posting headlines about a possible Israeli strike on Iran for 3-4 years now.  I realize that's a long time to be blogging on an issue...but it is a very short time in God's economy, especially when you are talking about an event that will change the world, and could lead to the deaths of thousands and may end up being the start of WWIII.

Here is the latest headline;
Decision by Netanyahu, Barak to strike Iran is almost final — Israel TV

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have “almost finally” decided on an Israeli strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities this fall, and a final decision will be taken “soon,” Israel’s main TV news broadcast reported on Friday evening.

Channel 2 News, the country’s leading news program, devoted much of its Friday night broadcast to the issue, detailing the pros and cons that, it said, have taken Netanyahu and Barak to the brink of approving an Israeli military attack despite opposition from the Obama administration and from many Israeli security chiefs.

Critically, the station’s diplomatic correspondent Udi Segal said, Israel does not believe that the US will take military action as Iran closes in on the bomb.

The US, the TV report said, has not provided Israel with details of an attack plan. President Obama has not promised to attack Iran if all else fails. Conditions cited by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for an American attack do not calm Israeli concerns. And Obama has a record of seeking UN and Arab League approval before action. All these factors, in Jerusalem’s mind, underline the growing conviction of Netanyahu and Barak that Israel will have to tackle Iran alone, the TV report said.
Israel’s leaders have also noted that president George W. Bush vowed repeatedly that North Korea would not be allowed to attain a nuclear weapons capability — a vow that proved empty.

Obama does not want to intervene militarily before the presidential elections in November, and it is doubtful that he would act afterwards, runs the Israeli assessment, the TV report said. Obama may believe that the US can live with a nuclear Iran, but Israel cannot, the report quoted those in “Netanyahu’s circle” as saying.

As for presidential challenger Mitt Romney, he takes a more forceful position, but would probably not have the domestic support necessary to act in the first year of his presidency, if elected, and after that it would be too late.

The US can live with Iran as a “breakout state” — on the edge of attaining a bomb, the report said the prime minister’s circle believes. But “for Israel, a breakout state is a nuclear state.”

Again, they are talking about having to do a strike before the U.S. elections.  If Obama is re-elected, Israel doesn't trust that he will support them and if Romney is elected it may take a year for him to get up and running...which would be too late.

This morning we read there was in earthquake yesterday in Iran that killed hundreds and injured thousands.  Yes, Iran is being shaken.  Imagine how the earth will shake if a major war erupts in the middle east.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis, Here is another article of note on Iran. Iranian officers led Syrian regime militias in Homs: defected general...
    Seems like Iran is helping lead the executions and carnage in Syria.
    Peace, Tom
