
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Islamists Kill 16 Egyptian Soldiers on Israeli Border

The tension is growing all along the Israeli border. 

Officials say Egypt has deployed at least two helicopter gunships to the Sinai Peninsula in the hunt for militants behind the killing of 16 Egyptian soldiers at a checkpoint along the border with Israel.
Security and military officials said Monday that more aircraft were expected to arrive in the town of El-Arish ahead of a military campaign against the militants in the area. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
Suspected Islamists on Sunday evening attacked the Egyptian checkpoint, killed the troops, then stole two of their vehicles and burst through a security fence into Israel. Israeli aircraft then halted their assault.

Earlier on Monday, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has said that Sunday's attack would serve as a "wake-up call for the Egyptians to take matters into their own hands."

Islamists all over the world are smelling blood in the water.  They are going to continue to take advantage of the unrest happening all over the Middle East.  They don't really care who they kill in the process of turning one group against another to foment more chaos.

Many Islamists believe that the chaos they create will topple the unjust governments so they can bring in Shariah law...which they believe to be the ONLY TRUE LAW.

Other Islamists believe that their role on earth is to create chaos in an attempt to usher in the 12th Imam...who has been hiding in a well for over 1100 years.

Of course you and I know that Satan is the master of chaos and he also can smell blood in the water.  He knows that his day to shine must be close.  I'm guessing he is shining up the Antichrist right now...getting ready to put him on stage to restore order during the 70th Week of Daniel, (Tribulation) after King Jesus comes like a thief in the night.

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