
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Israel is a 'Tumor' Says Iran

The serious name calling continues.  Almost every day now we hear Iran's top leaders saying Israel needs to be removed from the face of the earth.

TEHRAN — The "cancerous tumour" of Israel is the biggest problem confronting Muslim countries today, Iran's supreme leader said on Sunday, repeating an epithet slammed just days earlier by UN chief Ban Ki-moon and US and EU officials.

In a speech marking Eid al-Fitr, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said "the big powers have dominated the destiny of the Islamic countries for years and... installed the Zionist cancerous tumour in the heart of the Islamic world," according to the official IRNA news agency.

"Many of the Islamic world's problems come from the existence of the sham Zionist regime," he was quoted as saying.

Tensions between Israel and Iran are taut because of threats by the Jewish state to attack nuclear facilities in the Islamic republic to prevent it reaching the capability to produce nuclear weapons.
Israel and its ally, the United States, accuse Iran of seeking to develop an atomic arsenal.

Tehran denies that, and says its nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful. Its military chiefs warn they will destroy Israel if it attacks.

On Saturday, General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the aerospatial division of the Revolutionary Guards that is in charge of Iran's missiles, said: "Iran's response to any aggression will be rapid, firm, destructive and broad."

He said he welcomed Israel making such a move, as "that would be a good occasion and good pretext to put an end to the shameful existence of the sham, occupying and usurping regime and save humanity from this cancerous tumour."


Isn't that almost funny that these Iranians could dare say that many of the Muslim world's problems are caused by Israel?  Really??  You mean it has nothing to do with the fact that many Muslim nations don't teach their people to read, don't allow girls to read, are worshipping some lunatic god named Allah, have corrupt governments that keep the oil money for themselves while letting their people starve, have constant fighting going on between Shia and Sunni, have perversion at the center of many Islamic cultures, and have to send their kids to The West to get a 21st century education since they offer little?  You mean those aren't the reasons that every Muslim nation pretty much sucks??

You mean all that perversion and ignorance would simply vanish if those dang Jews left Palestine?  You mean the Palestinian Arabs would magically transform their poverty stricken nation into a 21st century source of wealth and human rights and join all the other wonderful Muslim nations that so many people are waiting in line to immigrate to?

Yes...massive amounts of sarcasm.  However, the rhetoric between Israel and Iran is growing on a daily basis.  The name calling is in full swing.

On the playground at grade school, fights don't just erupt out of nothing.  It starts with name calling, then verbal threats, then pushing and shoving and if it doesn't get dispersed...a full on fist fight will result until either broken up by teachers...or someone gets the crap beat out of them.

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