
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Prayers for Iran's Destruction

Of course Iran has been calling for Israel's destruction for quite some time now.  Today we have the headline that a Rabbi is now calling for prayers for Iran's destruction.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An influential Israeli rabbi has called for prayers for Iran's destruction, a week after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to court his support for a possible attack on a nuclear programme Israel sees as an existential threat.
The sermon by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef added to a flurry of recent rhetoric from Israeli officials that has raised international concern that Israel, widely believed to be the Middle East's only atomic power, might attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

"(When) we ask God to 'bring an end to our enemies', we should be thinking about Iran, those evil ones who threaten Israel. May the Lord destroy them," Yosef was quoted as saying by Israeli media on Sunday.

Last week, Netanyahu sent his national security adviser to brief Yosef, 91, on Iran's nuclear activities in what was widely seen as an effort to win his backing for any future military strike, possibly before the U.S. presidential vote in November.

Yosef, a former Israeli chief rabbi, is the spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, a key member of Netanyahu's governing coalition.


Sorry for the lack of posts these past few days.  I have been out of the usual routine as we are picking up my youngest boy from Army boot camp and are currently in South Carolina, so have had lots of time in the car and little time connected to the Internet.

Continue to pray for Israel.  We know they are surrounded, we know they are in the news everyday...if the trumpet blows soon and the followers of Christ are taken, America will fall and Israel will be all alone.

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