
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ted Nugent Speaks

Many of you know that Ted Nugent is a gun collecting, conservative who used to be a rock and roller.  Ted recently wrote an article for the Washington Times and he sounds like he could be writing for this blog.

Someone should have to answer for the financial high crimes and misdemeanors that are bankrupting our nation and financially raping the futures of our children and grandchildren.

Our federal government has mismanaged the financial affairs of our nation worse than Ken Lay and the other crooks did to the fake energy company, Enron.

Instead of talking about the debt beast that is drowning America, the national narrative is focused on what Dan Cathy, president and founder of Chick-fil-A, has said about marriage. What fools we are. We are being fleeced, led to the economic slaughterhouse like mindless sheep distracted by the dumbest of dumb.

Will anyone try to tell the American public how this is not a cataclysmic economic threat to the nation?

The pus-filled, infected ugly truth is that we aren’t going broke. We are broke and teetering on the edge of economic collapse. We have more in common with Greece than most of us believe. In fact, our situation may be worse than Greece, which is the quintessential definition of modern economic doom.

Few of our politicians are willing to even discuss the drastic cuts in spending that would be required just to begin to put America back on the right path. Our politicians would rather ignore the problem and be re-elected by an ever-increasing population of America- hating bloodsuckers than to be statesmen and tell America what needs to be done right now: drastic cuts in borrowing and spending, a total revamping of the tax code and passing a balanced budget.

America is in deep, deep financial trouble and there is no indication that Mr. Obama and his Democrat Party are willing to take prudent measures to slow down and reverse this economic kamikaze course of action.


Ouch!!  But Mr. Nugent...that can't happen....because this is America!  We are the land of the free and the home of the brave!  We are the best country this world has ever seen!  We saved the world from Hitler!  We stood down the Soviet Bear and collapsed their union!  We feed the world!  Nothing really bad will ever happen to us! We just won the Olympics!! Sure we may have some minor setbacks...but our shiny future will be bright....forever!

"Pride comes before the fall," says God.

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