
Friday, August 3, 2012

Urban Death

Once upon a time Detroit, MI was one of the shining cities of America.  Today it has turned into a dumping ground for dead bodies and trash.

DETROIT (AP) — From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside worn-out car tires and a moldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block.

They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit's vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.

Abandoned and neglected parts of the city are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the dead — at least a dozen bodies in 12 months' time. And authorities acknowledge there's little they can do.

"You can shoot a person, dump a body and it may just go unsolved" because of the time it may take for the corpse to be found, officer John Garner said.

It's a pattern made possible by more than four decades of urban decay and suburban flight. White residents started moving to burgeoning suburbs in the 1950s, then stepped up their exodus after a deadly 1967 race riot. Detroit's black middle class followed over the next two decades, leaving block after block of empty homes.

Over time, tens of thousands of houses deteriorated. Some collapsed, others were demolished. Empty lots gave way to block-long fields.

Detroit has more than 30,000 vacant houses, and the deficit-strangled city has no resources of its own to level them. Mayor Dave Bing is promoting a plan to tear down as many as possible using federal money. The state is also contributing to the effort.

"I couldn't move if I wanted to," she said. "They don't want to give you any money for your house."
On Tuesday, a patrol car slowly rolled by. Officers are more visible after the teens' bodies were found, Dunn added.

A larger police presence is needed across the city, but Detroit can't afford to hire more. The city recently cut police pay by 10 percent.

When he joined the department 13 years ago, Garner patrolled a 3.6-square-mile area in the tough 3rd Precinct, bumping into another officer every 20 minutes. Now he covers 22 square miles and crosses paths with other officers "maybe once every two hours."

"If we know this, the criminals know this," Garner said.


Wow!...that sure sounds like some foreshadowing of what is coming for an American city near you!....HOPEFULLY not until after the rapture.

Just imagine what will happen after the rapture when millions of Americans vanish...leaving their houses empty.  The real estate market will collapse.  The love of most will grow cold, causing them to turn on their neighbors and be willing to kill them for any reason they see fit.  The police won't be around...why should they risk their lives to break up a fight or go into a dangerous place when they probably won't be paid by the bankrupt city who employs them?

Lawlessness, perversion, hunger, heat, blackouts, fear, wild animals and Satanic attacks as the demons are released from the abyss to torment men.  Terrifying!! 

If you don't know Christ and haven't asked Him to save is the day of salvation.  Don't put it off.  We don't the day or hour of his return but we can certainly see the evidence that He is close.

"When you see these things begin to happen, then lift up your heads for your redemption is close."  Jesus

Hat tip to Guy B.

P.S.  Do you think the implosion of Detroit has anything to do with the massive invasion of Islam into that city?  Islam has proven itself to be a blight to everywhere it it makes one wonder if that was the final straw the broke the camel's back.

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