
Sunday, September 30, 2012

A New Marriage Contract is Needed

Friends, according to this NYT article we all need to ponder a new way of 'doing' marriage...this one man, one woman thing til death do us part is simply not working out.  We need a shorter term that expires after 10 or 20 years and then just dissolves unless you are still getting along then you can renew it.

It’s a dim data point but not an isolated one, suggesting people are rethinking marriage, at least around the edges. Prenuptial agreements, a different sort of contract, are on the rise, as is vowless cohabitation. The ages at which people marry have hit record highs, 28.7 years for men and 26.5 for women. And gay marriage has provoked widespread conversation about the institution’s meaning and place.

Last year, several lawmakers in Mexico City proposed the creation of short-term, renewable marriage contracts with terms as brief as two years. The idea was to own up to the reality that marriages fail about half the time.

“We’re remarkably not innovative about marriage even though almost all the environmental conditions, writ large, have changed,” said Pepper Schwartz, a sociology professor at the University of Washington and author of books on love, sex and marriage. “We haven’t scrutinized it. We’ve been picking at it like a scab, and it’s not going to heal that way.”

Dr. Schwartz said that gay marriage had become a tipping point to rethink marriage because it simply opened questions most people have been terrified to broach: Is there any other way to do this? Will doing so change the world?
Maybe, she said, for the better. As to my suggestion of a 20-year contract, she countered that people could do contracts of any number of years, adding: “It’s back to the past, which used to involve dowry, bride price, economic arrangement. Nobody pretended this was not an economic arrangement.” The idea of contracts “isn’t new.”
Guys would love this new way of doing marriage!!  We could marry a nice young 25 year old woman, have a few kids with her, get her out to menopause and then the contract would dissolve when the kids started leaving home!  No more explaining how you went through a divorce to your just dissolved!
Then those same guys could go out a find another 25 year old woman...and we can spend our 50's and 60's with a younger, good looking woman!!  Just trade in the old one for a new version!
God would be so pleased....we just trashed everything he gave us to be holy.
The fact that this is even being discussed, along with gay marriage, is further evidence of what happens when everyone has their own god...and they can do whatever seems fit to them.
Chaos and anarchy will, no doubt, be the result.  Societies always start breaking down this way....when the family is attacked.

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