
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another Zombie Hits the News

It seems like a few months ago we had about 4 days in a row where someone was eating another person.  It seemed to start with the FL man eating the homeless man and then the stories kept coming.

Today we have another one.

HAWLEY, Pa. (CBS) – A Doylestown man, who was naked and bleeding profusely, gnawed on woman’s head all while “screaming like an animal” during a wild neighborhood rampage, state police said.

While inside that home, police say Ciminio walked up to the home’s second floor and jumped out a window, causing severe injuries to his arms and legs when he hit the ground.
Bleeding profusely at this point, Ciminio then encountered two females who were walking down the street.

State Police say Ciminio tackled one of the females, causing injury to her and covered her in his blood. Investigators say Ciminio then “began to gnaw” at the victim’s head while “screaming like an animal.”


Gnawing on a woman's head and screaming like an animal.....sounds like a zombie to me.

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