
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

EMP Could Throw Iran Back to the Stone Age

We have been blogging about EMP's in the past because we are aware that these Electro Magnetic Pulses could knock out electricity to the USA, and we all know what would happen in the major cities in the U.S. if they had to go without electricity for a week, a month or multiple months.

Remember that an EMP can be caused be either a solar storm or the detonation of an atomic bomb in the atmosphere above the nation.

So as things continue to ramp up in the rhetoric department between Israel and should come as no surprise that we see an EMP threat rise to the surface.

Israel might attack Iran by using electromagnetic pulses (EMP) that could cripple the country by shutting down its electronics and sending the Islamic Republic “back to the Stone Age,” The London Sunday Times reported.

EMP causes non-lethal gamma energy to react with the magnetic field and produces a powerful electromagnetic shock wave that can destroy electronic devices, especially those used in Iran’s nuclear plants.

The shock wave would knock out Iran’s power grid and communications systems for transport and financial services, leading to economic collapse.

The “back to the Stone Age” tactic was first proposed in an Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) article in early August by Dr. Joe Tuzara, after another Arutz Sheva oped writer, attorney Mark Langfan described its power in an earlier article. A former clinical research-physician-general surgeon for Saudi Arabian, Philippine and American healthcare systems, he wrote, “The wild card is in Israel’s hand - with Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) inscribed on it. If Israel chooses one of its Jericho III missiles to detonate a single EMP warhead at high altitude over north central Iran, there will be with no blast or radiation effects on the ground.”

He explained that one effect of the EMP attack would be that, “Iran’s uranium enrichment centrifuges in Fordo, Natanz and widely scattered elsewhere, would freeze for decades.”

The WorldNetDaily reported three weeks ago, “Israelis have not ruled out a Jericho III missile launch to detonate a single electromagnetic pulse warhead at high altitude over central Iran."


Yes, the wild card IS in Israel's hand.  Can you imagine the hatred that would be directed toward Israel if they did this?  Why?  Because the CNN cameras would be over in Iran showing the extreme hardship and nightmare scenario for the average Iranian citizen who has now be sent back to the stone age.  Starvation, death, lawlessness, and mayhem would be the order of the day.

Now if you can imagine that....stop and try to imagine what would happen if Iran were able to successfully launch and EMP attack on the United States?

One simply can't imagine the mayhem....we may think we can imagine it.....but we can't.

Isn't it amazing that we live in a world where the actions of a few people could destroy an entire nation or even an entire civilization?

One thing we can cling to with 100% confidence.....GOD IS IN CONTROL!

Hat tip to Wilson R.

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