
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Food Shortages and Riots are Coming

We have been watching this develop over the past 5 years...and it should come as no surprise when it happens.  Jesus told us VERY SPECIFICALLY that there will be famine.

Right now the world is on a razor's edge when it comes to food supplies.  And please remember that when groceries go up 20% in America, it is frustrating but no one begins to starve to death.

But for a large percentage of the world this isn't true.  They were already spending most of the income on food.  So when the price goes up...they go hungry.  And hungry people are driven to desperation.

A devastating global food crisis unlike anything we have ever seen in modern times is coming. Crippling drought and bizarre weather patterns have damaged food production all over the world this summer, and the UN and the World Bank have both issued ominous warnings about the food inflation that is coming.

To those of us in the Western world, a rise in the price of food can be a major inconvenience, but in the developing world it can mean the difference between life and death. Just remember what happened back in 2008. When food prices hit record highs it led to food riots in 28 different countries. Today, there are approximately 2 billion people that are malnourished around the globe. Even rumors of food shortages are enough to spark mass chaos in many areas of the planet. When people fear that they are not going to be able to feed their families they tend to get very desperate. That is why a recent CNN article declared that “2013 will be a year of serious global crisis“.

The truth is that we are not just facing rumors of a global food crisis – one is actually starting to unfold right in front of our eyes. The United States experienced the worst drought in more than 50 years this summer, and some experts are already declaring that the weather has been so dry for so long that tremendous damage has already been done to next year’s crops. On the other side of the world, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have all seen their wheat crops devastated by the horrible drought this summer. Australia has also been dealing with drought, and in India monsoon rains were about 15 percent behind pace in mid-August. Global food production is going to be much less than expected this year, and global food demand continues to steadily rise. What that means is that food inflation, food shortages and food riots are coming, and it isn’t going to be pretty.

The United States exports more food than anyone else in the world, and that is why the entire globe has been nervously watching the horrific drought in the United States this summer with deep concern.

It has been the worst drought in more than 50 years, and it has absolutely devastated corn crops all over the nation. According to Bill Witherell, the U.S. corn crop this year “is said to be on a par with that of 1988 crop, the worst in the past thirty years.”
Sadly, this will be the third year in a row that the yield for corn has declined in the United States.

That has never happened before in the history of the United States.


Never happened before?!  How many times a day can the media tell us about events that have never happened before?  Have we EVER been in such an extreme time?

And here is a related news item as Mexico's President warns of a coming food crisis in 2013.

World leaders must take swift action to avert a possible food price shock in 2013, Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon says, warning unchecked price volatility in staple food items could trigger an escalation in poverty to crisis levels.

“I'm afraid that this new phenomenon of rising of prices of food around the world will provide a new round of crisis related with poverty,” Calderon told CNBC in an exclusive interview on Tuesday.

“The problems in Africa, even the Arab spring, in my opinion are some way or another related to the price of food,” Calderon said, adding that next year could mark “a new round of very high prices.”

All the countries should do something and quickly in order to avoid any social and political turmoil around the world,” he added.
See that one here;
Yes...all the countries should do something and quickly.....ummm....what would you suggest Mr. Calderon?  You sound like a contestant for Miss Universe...."If I am given this title I will do something for world peace."
Can the countries make it rain?  That's the ONLY answer for a drought Mr. Calderon.
He is right that the countries SHOULD do something quickly....and the answer is they should all humbles themselves and repent of their evil ways and pray to the God of heaven, the ONE TRUE GOD, so that He may hear their prayers and heal their lands.
You think that will happen?  Does Allah answer prayers??  Does Buddha?  How about the Mormon god?  How about the god from the church of Scientology?  Maybe the cow-god that they worship in India??
Friends, this earth is a nightmare and it appears the Prince of this Earth, (Satan) is getting ready to snap a trap.  It's a trap that he has been working on for the last 2000 years...and sadly, the churches of America, which were called to be salt and light and were supposed to be sounding the alarm...have been complicit. 
Jesus told us it would happen this way....but no one wants to listen.

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