
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Islam: How to Correctly Beat Your Wife

I did a post yesterday about how Pat Robertson had told someone that they should convert to Islam so he could discipline his wife with beatings.

Poor Pat...the Huffington Post was not amused with his answer. 

But maybe he had just finished watching all the YouTube videos out there by Muslims explaining how to correctly beat your wife.

Remember, only use a short rod and stay away from the face if they refuse your request for sex.


When you finish watching this video you will see that there are plenty more about how to beat your wife, how to beat your kids, how to beat your donkey...and then plenty on how to execute someone who disagrees with your version of Allah and Muhammad.

Maybe we should show this video on ABC, NBC, CBS and then all go down and protest at the Egyptian embassy, tear down it's walls and cause some mayhem to show them how angry we are at their videos?

Thanks Tom F.

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