
Friday, September 7, 2012

Israel Enters "Most Fateful 50 Days"

I recieved this email from Joel Rosenberg many of you probably did.

(Washington, D.C., September 7, 2012) -- Evidence continues to mount that an Israeli preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear program is increasingly likely before the U.S. elections in November. In just five days, the 2012 Epicenter Conference will begin. There, I will deliver the opening address on "The State of the Epicenter," review what we know about the Iranian nuclear threat and the prospect of war, brief you on the steps The Joshua Fund has taken to prepare for war, and discuss what Christians can and should do to stand with Israel at this critical time. Please make plans to attend the Epicenter Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, next week -- or watch the conference live (or on demand) at

Until then, here are some of the latest developments I'm watching closely:

1. Iran has doubled its uranium enrichment capacity at its most secure, hardened, underground nuclear facility at Fordow, near the religious city of Qom, despite all of the economic sanctions, according to a new IAEA report.

2. Israel's 14-member Security Cabinet met on Tuesday for a 10-hour meeting to discuss the latest intelligence on the Iran nuclear threat and consider Israel's military options. The Jerusalem Post notes that this was the first time the full Security Cabinet has met for such an in-depth discussion of Iran in several months.

3. "Former Likud and Kadima member Tzachi Hanegbi said this week that he believed the fate of Israel's conflict with Iran will be decided within the next 50 days," reports the Israel Hayom news service. "Hanegbi, who is considered a confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, later told Israel Hayom the assessment was his own and not based on specific information disclosed to him. 'We are entering the most fateful 50 days Israel has faced since, perhaps, the similarly fateful days prior to the Yom Kippur War,' Hanegbi said at a Likud conference this week, as quoted by the Makor Rishon newspaper. Hanegbi, who in the past served as chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee as well as minister in the Prime Minister's Office in 2004 and Internal Security Minister in 2003, recently left the Kadima party and rejoined the Likud."

4. Rep. Mike Rogers, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is confirming a report of an angry meeting between Israeli PM Netanyahu and U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro in which Netanyahu made it clear the Israeli government does not trust the Obama administration to stop Iran's nuclear program in time.

5. Prime Minister Netanyahu is scheduled to be in New York City to address the opening session of the U.N. General Assembly from September 27 to September 30. If Israel has not launched an attack before then, and he does in fact make the trip, it would be expected that Netanyahu may give a final ultimatum to the regime in Tehran.

6. Canada has just shut down its embassy in Iran and will expel all Iranian diplomats from Canada in the next five days. With this move, Prime Minister Stephen Harper remains the most pro-Israel leader on the world stage. He also may be signaling he believes war is imminent.

7. That said, the left-of-center Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting this week that Defense Minister Ehud Barak may now oppose an Israeli strike against Iran before the U.S. elections in November. There is considerable buzz about this in Israel. But the question is whether this reporting is accurate, or whether this is disinformation designed to confuse the Iranian regime.

Sounds pretty serious.  Let's see....50 long til the U.S. Presidential election in November?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    From the Montreal Gazette today. Canada is closing its embassy in Iran and recalling all its diplomats.

    We at least we know where they stand over the next 50 day.


