
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Israeli Science Says Obama Certificate a Forgery

Holy smoke and mirrors...this Obama birth certificate issue simply will not die.  Was the dude born in America or not?  No one seems to be able to prove one of the any one's satisfaction.

It's just more evidence of how polarized and divisive this nation has become...we can't even agree on what a 'fact' is.

Israel Science and Technology, the national database and directory of science and technology-related websites in Israel, has published an article asserting the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is a forged document.

The website was created by a former science adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Hanukoglu, Ph.D.

Hanukoglu, an award-winning researcher, is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in the Department of Molecular Biology at Ariel University Center of Samaria in Ariel, Israel.

The professor established the first version of his website during his tenure as Netanyahu’s science adviser. The site has evolved into “the premier science and technology portal for Israel.”

The website says that the White House’s release of the Obama document in April 2011, after years of controversy, “raised in our minds the possibility that there could be something suspicious about the information available on this document.”

The website conducted an independent analysis and cites others who came to the same conclusion.
The website says the publication “of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should raise great concern about the suitability of the person who is holding the reigns on the most powerful country of the World.”

Israel Science and Technology explains why, as a site of science and technology, it dedicated “a page to expose forgery about a document related to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.”

“Mr. Obama is the president of the USA that is currently the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful country in the Western hemisphere,” the site says. “In his position as the President, the policies pursued by Mr. Obama affects the whole world and not just the USA.”


Let me give you a 'black swan' hypothetical event.....let's say Obama is re elected in November and his supporters are ecstatic, but a Federal judge rules that Obama forged his birth certificate and is NOT eligible to be POTUS.  What would happen?  Would he be forced to step down?  Would Biden become the President?  Would rioting erupt in cities across the nation?  Would the National Guard be called out?  Could Marshal Law be imposed?

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