
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Israeli Strike on Iran Could Trigger WWIII

There is no doubt that a serious war in the Middle East today could draw in all sorts of nations...and once it starts...does anyone know how it would end?

A senior Iranian military commander on Sunday said that an Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran could "trigger World War III," repeating threats made over the past few weeks that Tehran will attempt to destroy Israel if the Jewish state launches an attack on Iran either with or without the US.

Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC's aerospace division, also told state-owned al-Alam TV that Iran would target US bases in the region should Israel attack.

He warned that an Israeli strike could lead to a wider conflict, saying, "It's impossible to imagine an independent war between Iran and the US or the Zionist Regime [Israel]," but rather it is more likely that other regional countries would side with Iran or Israel in case of war.

“One should not imagine that the countries in the region would declare neutrality if a war breaks out," he added according to a report by Iran's Press TV.

Also on Sunday, Deputy Commander of the IRGC Brigadier General Hossein Salami said Iran is no longer concerned about threats from Israel.

"We have crossed the line of worrying about threats from the Zionist Regime [Israel]," Salami said according to Sepah News, the IRGC's official news site, adding that in its wars over the last decade Israel has encountered harsh retaliation from the Islamic Republic's 'regional branches', and is no longer a threat to Iran.

"If the Zionists really do strike Iran, it would provide a historic opportunity for the Islamic Revolution to wipe [Israel] off the face of the earth," he said, adding that Iran would then "reclaim the lands occupied by Israel for the Palestinians."


Nothing really new here....the chatter just seems to be getting more bellicose, more threatening and more severe.

One day it will have to bust open.  Will it be today, 50 days from now or 10 years from now?  No body on earth knows.

I thank God that He is in control.  The war will not happen with Israel until, and if, God says it will happen.

For now we just continue to file this one under, 'rumors of war'...and we keep watching and waiting as we soberly await the return of The King.

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