
Friday, September 14, 2012

It Has NOTHING to do With The Film!!

The breathless media is trying to cover the facts about why 5 U.S. embassies are under attack in the Middle East.  Of course many of the headlines I read say something like this; "Arab protests continue over U.S. made film profaning Islam."

Really?????  Is that what the protests are about????   Some backyard movie that mentioned Muhammad??

Here is another one that just came across Google; 

Anti-American Protests Over Film Expand to More Than a Dozen Countries

Come on people!!  If it wasn't this film it would be about the other 50,000,000 videos on YouTube that could have been translated to Arabic and offended them.
This is about militant Islam smelling blood in the water and realizing that America has been weakened and that if they push us hard and overthrow Western Civilization....then the 13th Caliphate with Shariah law can FINALLY be brought in.
Satan is roaring and he can smell that his time is near.  The Satanic hordes have been set loose.  They will NEVER make friends with America.  They will NEVER usher in a democracy like the U.S. has.  It simply can not exist with the Koran and those who insist on being ruled by Koranic law...also called Shariah law.
The sooner that sleep Americans can wake up to this fact the sooner we can start calling a spade a 'spade'. 
The sooner that sleepy Christians can wake up to this fact the sooner that we can begin to focus our prayers and start praying for our enemies. 
Defeating them in the spiritual realm has to become PRIORITY #1.

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