
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Netanyahu Draws Red Line For United Nations

Netanyahu spoke in the United Nation assembly today.  As always, he seemed to do a superb job in laying out the common sense reasons that the world can not let Iran have a nuclear bomb.

I loved his line in the speech, "Red lines don't make wars, red lines keep the peace."  Of course this is further upping the ante on Obama...who refuses to draw red lines.

If you haven't seen the entire speech, ABC has filtered it down to about a 5 minute clip you can watch here;

Netanyahu linked the Iran regime to the radical Islamists behind Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the recent attacks on an American embassy in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens.

The world must immediately draw a clear "red line" to prevent Iran from completing a nuclear weapon as soon as next spring, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned today in an address before the United Nations.

"To be credible a red line must be drawn first and foremost in one vital part of their program, on Iran's efforts to enrich uranium," said Netanyahu, who considers a nuclear Iran a threat to his country.
The premier said it was already getting "very late" to stop Iran, a regime that he said backs terrorist organizations and attacks around the globe.

Using a magic marker to literally draw a red line on a diagram of a bomb, Netanyahu said Iran was already 70 percent of the way towards developing a bomb. He said the international community must stop Iran before it could complete another 20 percent, a process of creating medium enriched uranium.

The final 10 percent could be completed in a few short weeks, he said. Once the uranium enrichment was completed, he said, Iran could easily assemble the necessary fuse in a secret location no bigger than a classroom.

The international community, he said, knows where to find the enrichment centers, and Iran cannot be given enough time to assemble the bomb in secret.

"Some say a nuclear armed Iran would stabilize the Middle East. Yeah right. That's like a saying a nuclear armed Al Qaeda would usher in world peace," he said.

I would say that Netanyahu is further laying out the case for WHY ISRAEL WILL BOMB IRAN.

Please continue praying for the peace of Jerusalem and for the leaders of Israel.

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